Czy wiesz, że:
- 65% ankietowanych mówi po angielsku W PRACY, ale słabo zna słownictwo i gramatykę (gramatyka jest ważna!).
- 98% respondentów uważa, że nauka drugiego języka pomaga w KARIERZE ZAWODOWEJ.
- Osoby, które znają co najmniej dwa języki obce, mają w niektórych rodzajach pracy aż o 20% większe zarobki.
Chcemy wzmocnić Twój angielski, dlatego udostępniamy Ci piątą część autorskiego cyklu postów ENGLISH FOR WORK W PIGUŁCE (na poziomie B1) opublikowanego w mediach społecznościowych na stronach naszej szkoły w październiku 2020. Szlifuj z nami swój angielski!
Poniżej znajdziesz pokrótce opracowane następujące tematy: „Telephone talk: making appointments”, „Talking about your company”, „ Features of character”. Każdy z 3 tematów zawiera zbiór słownictwa, część gramatyczną i idiomy. Enjoy 😊.
Pragniesz lepiej mówić po angielsku? Zapisz się do nas na indywidualny kurs języka angielskiego online Business English lub General English! Mogą to być zajęcia z native speakerem lub z nauczycielem polskim. U nas uczysz się, czego chcesz, jak chcesz i kiedy chcesz. W przypadku zainteresowania kursem indywidualnym napisz:
I. Telephone talk: making appointments
a) Vocabulary booster
- I’m calling to fix another time.
- Do you mind if we postpone it to next week?
- Which day are you thinking of?
- Does Wednesday suit you?
- How about Friday?
- Which would be convenient for you?
- We can make it after lunch.
- I can attend the meeting anytime you want.
- I’m unavailable in the morning. Can we put it back to next week?
- That sounds fine.
- I need to put our meeting back.
- I had the day after in mind.
- I’m sorry but I can’t make it on the first.
- I’m free anytime next month.
- So that’s Monday at three o’clock.
- How about meeting for dinner?
- Why don’t you join us at the restaurant?
b) Grammar
Phrasal verb | Meaning |
Call after | Give the same name as someone else |
Call away | Ask someone to leave a place |
Call back | Return a call |
Call for | Demand that something be done |
Call in | Make a phone call to a place |
Call off | Disconnect abruptly |
Call on / upon | Formally request or invite |
Call out | Shout something |
Hang up | End a conversation / put the phone down |
Call round | Go to a place to see someone |
Hold on | Wait for a short period |
Call up | Phone someone |
c) Idioms
Idiom | Meaning |
Not for all the tea in China | Not under any circumstances |
Excuse my French | An apology for using swear words or bad language |
It’s all Greek to me | Something you don’t understand at all |
Talk for England | Talk for hours and hours |
A Mexican standoff | A confrontation in which no agreement can be reached |
Rome was not built in a day | You can not expect to achieve important things in a short period of time |
More holes than Swiss cheese | Incomplete or lacking important details |
A Young Turk | A young rebel who can not be controlled |
II. Talking about your company
a) Vocabulary booster
- I work for…
- My firm was founded in…
- My firm was established in…
- The firm is owned by…
- It specializes in…
- It employs…
- It’s located in…
- The headquarters are in…
- It has subsidiaries in…
- It provides…
- It sells…
- It has… employees.
- Its annual turnover is…
- Last year its net profit reached…
- I am a … in…
b) Grammar
WORK FOR / AS / IN / AT | Examples: |
+ name of the company where you are employed |
„I work for the government”.
„I have been working for IKEA for last two years”. |
+ type of job |
„I work as a software developer”.
„I work as an interpreter”. |
+ (1) the physical place or (2) a sector / profession |
„I work in a pharmaceutical company”.
„I work in public administration”. |
+ the place where you work |
„I work at the head office of IBM”. |
c) Idioms
Be in the bag | Success is evident |
Be on the crest of a wave | Very successful |
Be on the up and up | Increasingly successful |
Turn up trumps | Get unexpectedly good results |
Have the world at your feet | Extremely successful and greatly admired |
With flying colours | Do something successfully |
Hit pay dirt | Be lucky and make money |
Make a killing | Have great financial success |
III. Features of character
a) Vocabulary booster
- A man of action
- Ambitious
- Businesslike
- Capable
- Creative
- Dedicated
- Determined
- Dynamic
- Energetic
- Full of initiative
- Full of power and activity
- Hard working
- Independent
- Mature
- Open-minded
- Reliable
- Self-confident
- Self-driven
- Strong will-power
- Truthful
- Well-balanced
- Wise
b) Grammar
UN | IM | IN |
Happy | Mature | Competent |
Friendly | Polite | Capable |
Helpful | Perfect | Correct |
Fair | Patient | Decisive |
Usual | Precise | Sensitive |
Honest | Practical | Sane |
Interesting | Possible | Tolerant |
Aware | Balanced | Discreet |
Successful | Modest | Experienced |
c) Idioms
A man of his words | Słowny człowiek |
Be (as) cool as cucumber | Być opanowanym |
Be all mouth | Dużo mówić, mało działać |
Be as gentle as lamb | Być łagodnym niczym baranek |
Have a heart of gold | Mieć złote serce |
Keep one’s cards to one’s chest | Być skrytym |
Keep up appearances | Zachowywać pozory |
Wet blanket | Sztywniak |
Mam nadzieję, że udało mi się choć trochę wzmocnić Twój angielski 😊.
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